8 February 2022
COVID-19 presents a serious risk to the health of all members of the community. As a contractor that works across multiple locations, Mighty Films recognises we have a responsibility to ensure we do not spread infection between sites. Mighty Films takes this responsibility to staff, clients, co-workers and their families very seriously. To this effect, we have instigated the following measures, which will be in place until such time that health authorities declare they are no longer necessary.
If staff become unwell:
If Mighty Films staff experience any of the following symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they must inform management at the earliest opportunity and remain home from work.
Chills or sweats
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Loss of sense of smell or taste
In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also be considered.
If staff exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19 as described by health authorities (https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorian-public-coronavirus-disease-covid-19#what-are-the-symptoms-of- coronavirus), they should use the Victorian Government self-assessment tool (https:// www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-self-assessment) and follow instructions therein.
If staff become aware they have come into close contact with any confirmed cases of COVID-19, they must inform management immediately.
Working from home or office:
Mighty Films staff will work from home whenever it is practical to do so.
Where it is necessary for staff to work from the office, they will ensure there is 4 square metres of space per person and will maintain social distancing at all times.
In the office, staff are requested to wash their hands immediately upon entering the workplace, after using the toilet, if their hands are visibly dirty, after coughing or sneezing into tissues, and before eating.
In the office, staff should use hand sanitiser frequently and clean high-touch surfaces including door knobs, light switches, keyboards and mouse daily.
In the office, staff should keep their own glass, mug, cutlery and dishes at their desk and wash them after use.
Working on site:
Mighty Films staff will not attend site if they are feeling unwell. All efforts will be made to inform clients as soon as possible if this situation impacts appointments or work timelines.
Mighty Films staff will follow all recommendations, requirements and procedures set out by clients whose sites we visit.
Mighty Films staff will follow all physical distancing recommendations as set out by health authorities (https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-transmission-reduction-measures) including maintaining a distance of at least 1.5m from any other worker.
Mighty Films staff will wear a face mask indoors at all times.
Where possible, Mighty Films staff will use their own vehicle and tools/equipment when attending site. If shared tool/equipment use is required, all frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned before use.
Any questions about any of the above should be addressed to Sean McPhillips: 0405 547 941 / [email protected]